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Put A Blurb On It

Mar 27, 2018

Ardo and Yash  interviewed Zareen Jaffery who is the executive editor at Simon & Schuster Books for Young Readers and founder of the Salaam Reads imprint. Ardo had interviewed Zareen for Teen Vogue when the first two books from the new imprint (Amina's Voice and The Gauntlet) were being published and a year later, Ardo...

Mar 17, 2018

In this episode, Ardo and Yash discuss projects they're involved in and the #MeToo movement finding itself in the Children's Lit community. They start talking about what they've read at the 33:45 mark which includes some March releases.

Some corrections in the episode: They said Tomi Adeyemi was 23 years old but she's...